Hemp is the strongest natural fiber in the world, known to have over 50.000 different uses!
What can we use by Hemp:
- leaves
- stalk
- seeds
- roots
For what we can use leaves:
- for animal beading
- tee
For what we can use stalk:
- paper (printing, newsprint, cardboard, packaking,…)
- textil (clotes, diapers, handbags, denim, shoes,..)
- industrial textiles (rope, canvas, tarps, carpeting, netting,…)
- building materials (fibreboard, acrylics, insulation, fibreglass substitute,…)
For what we can use seeds:
- industrial products (oil paints, varnishes, fuel, solvents, printing inks, coatings,..)
- foods (hemp seed hearts, hemp seed oil, hemp protein powder,…)
- body care (soaps, shampoos, lotions, balms, cosmetics,..)
For what we can use roots:
- organic compost and nutients
- remedy for conditions such as arthritis or joint pain, fibromyalgia ans eczema
Source: Pinterest.com
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